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February 9th

172 Notable deaths

Brian Connolly

Scottish singer-songwriter.

Born October 5th, 1945 in Hamilton.

Died February 9th, 1997 at 51 years old in Slough (disease). [ref]

Herbert Simon

American political scientist, economist, sociologist, and psychologist (1916–2001).

Born June 15th, 1916 in Milwaukee. [ref]

Died February 9th, 2001 at 84 years old in Pittsburgh (surgical complications). [ref]

Bill Haley

American rock and roll music pioneer (1925–1981).

Born July 6th, 1925 in Highland Park. [ref]

Died February 9th, 1981 at 55 years old in Harlingen (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Adolf Galland

German world war ii luftwafffe general and fighter pilot (1912-1996).

Born March 19th, 1912 in Westerholt. [ref]

Died February 9th, 1996 at 83 years old in Remagen. [ref]

Ian Richardson

British actor (1934-2007).

Born April 7th, 1934 in Edinburgh.

Died February 9th, 2007 at 72 years old in London (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Liam Miller

Irish association football player (1981-2018).

Born February 13th, 1981 in Cork.

Died February 9th, 2018 at 36 years old in Cork (pancreatic cancer). [ref]

Jean-Marie Loret

Alleged illegitimate son of adolf hitler.

Born March 25th, 1918 in Seboncourt. [ref]

Died February 9th, 1985 at 66 years old in Saint-Quentin. [ref]

George "Gabby" Hayes

American actor (1885-1969).

Born May 7th, 1885 in Stannards. [ref]

Died February 9th, 1969 at 83 years old in Burbank (cardiovascular disease). [ref]

David Wayne

American actor (1914–1995).

Born January 30th, 1914 in Traverse City. [ref]

Died February 9th, 1995 at 81 years old in Santa Monica (lung cancer). [ref]

Shobhna Samarth

Indian actress.

Born November 17th, 1916 in Mumbai.

Died February 9th, 2000 at 83 years old in Pune (cancer).

Deaths 11 to 20 of 172

« 02/08
02/10 »

Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid. Langston Hughes