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September 2nd

155 Notable deaths

Francis Ouimet

American amateur golfer.

Born May 8th, 1893 in Brookline.

Died September 2nd, 1967 at 74 years old in Newton.

Islam Karimov

Uzbek politician, 1st and former president of uzbekistan (1938-2016).

Born January 30th, 1938 in Samarkand. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 2016 at 78 years old in Tashkent (cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]

David Graeber

American anthropologist and anarchist (1961-2020).

Born February 12th, 1961 in New York City.

Died September 2nd, 2020 at 59 years old in Venice (acute pancreatitis, internal bleeding). [ref]

Christiaan Barnard

South african cardiac surgeon.

Born November 8th, 1922 in Beaufort West. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 2001 at 78 years old in Paphos (asthma). [ref]

Pierre de Coubertin

Founder of modern olympic games, pedagogue and historian (1863-1937).

Born January 1st, 1863 in 7th arrondissement of Paris. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 1937 at 74 years old in Geneva. [ref]

Peter Freuchen

Danish writer, explorer and anthropologist (1886-1957).

Born February 20th, 1886 in Nykøbing Falster.

Died September 2nd, 1957 at 71 years old in Anchorage (myocardial infarction).

Barbara McClintock

American scientist and cytogeneticist.

Born June 16th, 1902 in Hartford. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 1992 at 90 years old in Huntington. [ref]

Mikis Theodorakis

Greek composer and politician.

Born July 29th, 1925 in Chios. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 2021 at 96 years old in Athens (cardiac arrest). [ref]

Steven Joel Sotloff

American journalist.

Born May 11th, 1983 in Miami. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 2014 at 31 years old in Syrian Desert (decapitation). [ref]

John Bowlby

British psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.

Born February 26th, 1907 in London. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 1990 at 83 years old in Isle of Skye. [ref]

Deaths 11 to 20 of 155

« 09/01
09/03 »

Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see. Helen Keller (Remember that Helen Keller was blind)