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Eugene V. Debs

American labor and political leader (1855–1926).

Born November 5th, 1855 in Terre Haute. [ref]

Died October 20th, 1926 at 70 years old in Elmhurst (heart failure). [ref]

peace activist, politician, trade unionist

Eugene Victor Debs, a major American union leader and socialist, passed away on October 20th, 1926, in Lindlahr, Illinois. He was 70 years old. Debs was born on November 5th, 1855, in Terre Haute, Indiana. After working as a painter, fireman, and locomotive engineer in his youth, he became an important leader in the labor movement in the 1880s. He spent part of his time organizing for the newly formed American Railway Union's strike in 1894 and was a leader in the Pullman Strike the following year. Debs rose to prominence as a leader in the democratic socialist movement in the United States, particularly after his passionate speeches following his conviction for being in contempt of court for his role in the Pullman Strike. He ran for president five times, winning the largest third-party vote total in American history in his final race, in 1920. He remained an active leader of the labor and socialist movement in the United States until his passing.

Death takes no bribes. Benjamin Franklin