Mohammad Mosaddegh

Former prime minister of iran.

Born May 19th, 1882 in Tehran.

Died March 5th, 1967 at 84 years old in Ahmadabad-e Mosaddeq. [ref]

diplomat, politician, writer

Mohammad Mosaddegh, a former Prime Minister of Iran, died on March 5, 1967 at the age of 84. Born on May 16, 1882 in Tehran, Mosaddegh was a prominent figure in Iranian politics for several decades. After completing his education in France and Switzerland, Mosaddegh returned to Iran and started his political career as a member of the Iranian parliament in 1921. He served as Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs in various governments before being appointed as the 35th Prime Minister of Iran in 1951. During his tenure as Prime Minister, Mosaddegh implemented several social and economic reforms aimed at improving the lives of the Iranian people. He nationalized the country's oil industry, leading to a standoff with the British government, who had previously controlled the industry. This event, known as the 'Iranian Oil Crisis', led to a series of political and economic tensions between Iran and the United Kingdom. In 1953, Mosaddegh's government was overthrown in a coup d'état orchestrated by the CIA and British intelligence agency, MI6. He was arrested and spent the rest of his life under house arrest in Tehran. Despite his imprisonment, Mosaddegh remained a symbol of resistance for those who opposed foreign intervention in Iranian affairs. Mosaddegh's legacy is still celebrated by many Iranians as a champion of democracy and national sovereignty. His death marks the end of an era in Iranian politics, and his contributions to the country will be remembered for years to come. Mohammad Mosaddegh will be laid to rest with dignified honors in his hometown of Tehran. He is survived by his wife and two children. His death is mourned by the Iranian people and the international community. May he rest in peace.

Everyone dies but not everyone lives. William Wallace