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In the year 1955

321 Notable deaths

Theda Bara

American actress (1885–1955).

Born July 29th, 1885 in Cincinnati.

Died April 7th, 1955 at 69 years old in Los Angeles (stomach cancer). [ref]

Helmuth Weidling

Wehrmacht general.

Born November 2nd, 1891 in Halberstadt.

Died November 17th, 1955 at 64 years old in Vladimir Central Prison (heart failure).

Matthew Henson

American explorer (1866-1955).

Born August 8th, 1866 in Charles County.

Died March 9th, 1955 at 88 years old in New York City (stroke).

Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria

German general.

Born May 18th, 1869 in Munich.

Died August 2nd, 1955 at 86 years old in Starnberg.


One of the first practicing women doctors in colonial india..

Born November 22nd, 1864 in Mumbai.

Died December 25th, 1955 at 91 years old in Mumbai.

Vasili Blokhin

Nkvd officer and chief executioner (1895-1955).

Born January 7th, 1895 in Vladimir Governorate.

Died February 3rd, 1955 at 60 years old in Moscow.

Walter Francis White

American civil rights activist.

Born July 1st, 1893 in Atlanta. [ref]

Died March 21st, 1955 at 61 years old in New York City. [ref]

Cordell Hull

American politician, u.s. secretary of state from 1933 to 1944.

Born October 2nd, 1871 in Olympus. [ref]

Died July 23rd, 1955 at 83 years old in Bethesda (myocardial infarction, stroke). [ref]

Wallace Stevens

American poet.

Born October 2nd, 1879 in Reading. [ref]

Died August 2nd, 1955 at 75 years old in Hartford (stomach cancer). [ref]

John Hodiak

American actor of ukrainian descent (1914-1955).

Born April 16th, 1914 in Pittsburgh. [ref]

Died October 19th, 1955 at 41 years old in Tarzana (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Deaths 21 to 30 of 321

« 1954
1956 »

Death? Be as proud as you want: bore me later, because Love is sovereign here. Life never ends. Joy comes in the morning. Glory hallelujah. And let it be so. Anne Lamott