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4 Notable deaths
 by Hodgkin lymphoma

Richard Harris

Irish actor, singer, film director and writer.

Born October 1st, 1930 in Limerick. [ref]

Died October 25th, 2002 at 72 years old in University College Hospital (Hodgkin lymphoma). [ref]

Dinu Lipatti

Romanian pianist and composer (1917-1950).

Born March 19th, 1917 in Bucharest. [ref]

Died December 2nd, 1950 at 33 years old in Geneva (Hodgkin lymphoma). [ref]

Rachel Pollack

American science fiction author, comic book writer, and expert on divinatory tarot.

Born August 17th, 1945 in Brooklyn.

Died April 7th, 2023 at 77 years old in New York City (Hodgkin lymphoma). [ref]

Lorenzo Milani

Italian catholic priest and educationist (1923-1967).

Born May 27th, 1923 in Florence. [ref]

Died June 26th, 1967 at 44 years old in Florence (Hodgkin lymphoma). [ref]

Deaths 1 to 4 of 4


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If you’re not ready to die for it, take the word “freedom” out of your vocabulary. Malcolm X