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American actress (1921–2019).
Born January 31st, 1921 in Seattle.
Died January 15th, 2019 at 97 years old in Rancho Mirage (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
Purported clairvoyant healer and psychic (1877-1945).
Born March 18th, 1877 in Hopkinsville. [ref]
Died January 3rd, 1945 at 67 years old in Virginia Beach (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
Prime minister of rhodesia (1919-2007).
Born April 8th, 1919 in Shurugwi. [ref]
Died November 20th, 2007 at 88 years old in Cape Town (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
Fifth prime minister of india (1902-1987).
Born December 23rd, 1902 in Noorpur. [ref]
Died May 29th, 1987 at 84 years old in New Delhi (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
American film producer (1930-2019).
Born June 29th, 1930 in New York City.
Died October 26th, 2019 at 89 years old in Beverly Hills (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
Dutch resistance hero and writer.
Born April 15th, 1892 in Amsterdam.
Died April 15th, 1983 at 91 years old in Placentia (cerebrovascular disease).
Prime minister of the united kingdom (1852-1928).
Born September 12th, 1852 in Morley. [ref]
Died February 15th, 1928 at 75 years old in The Wharf (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
American actor (1932-2020).
Born July 30th, 1933 in New York City.
Died January 8th, 2020 at 86 years old in Santa Monica (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
Film studio executive.
Born December 12th, 1881 in Krasnosielc.
Died December 27th, 1958 at 77 years old in Los Angeles (cerebrovascular disease).
English actress (1927-2018).
Born November 17th, 1927 in London.
Died September 11th, 2018 at 90 years old (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
Deaths 1 to 10 of 94
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Take nothing for granted. Keep in mind that it can come at anytime. Even today. Maxime Lagacé