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659 Notable deaths
 by heart failure

Eddie Guerrero

American professional wrestler (1967-2005).

Born October 9th, 1967 in El Paso.

Died November 13th, 2005 at 38 years old in Minneapolis (heart failure). [ref]

Richard Attenborough

English actor, film director and producer (1923-2014).

Born August 29th, 1923 in Cambridge. [ref]

Died August 24th, 2014 at 90 years old in Greater London (heart failure). [ref]

Francisco Franco

Spanish general and dictator (1892-1975).

Born December 4th, 1892 in Ferrol. [ref]

Died November 20th, 1975 at 82 years old in Madrid (heart failure). [ref]

Boris Yeltsin

Soviet and russian politician, 1st president of russia (1931-2007).

Born February 1st, 1931 in Butka. [ref]

Died April 23rd, 2007 at 76 years old in Moscow (heart failure). [ref]

William Howard Taft

President of the united states from 1909 to 1913.

Born September 15th, 1857 in Cincinnati. [ref]

Died March 8th, 1930 at 72 years old in Washington, D.C. (heart failure). [ref]

Tony Curtis

American film actor (1925–2010).

Born June 3rd, 1925 in Flower Hospital. [ref]

Died September 29th, 2010 at 85 years old in Henderson (heart failure). [ref]

Nancy Reagan

First lady of the united states (1981—1989).

Born July 6th, 1923 in Manhattan.

Died March 6th, 2016 at 92 years old in Bel Air (heart failure). [ref]

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese communist leader (1890–1969).

Born May 19th, 1890 in Kim Liên. [ref]

Died September 2nd, 1969 at 79 years old in Hanoi (heart failure).

Nate Dogg

American singer and rapper (1969–2011).

Born August 19th, 1969 in Long Beach.

Died March 15th, 2011 at 41 years old in Long Beach (heart failure). [ref]

John Steinbeck

American writer (1902–1968).

Born February 27th, 1902 in Salinas. [ref]

Died December 20th, 1968 at 66 years old in New York City, Harlem (heart failure). [ref]

Deaths 11 to 20 of 659


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Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets. Arthur Miller