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In the year 1926

190 Notable deaths

John Browning

Firearms designer of the united states (1855-1926).

Born January 23rd, 1855 in Ogden.

Died November 26th, 1926 at 71 years old in Liège (heart failure).

Olga Constantinovna of Russia

Queen of the hellenes (1851–1926).

Born September 3rd, 1851 in Pavlovsk.

Died June 18th, 1926 at 74 years old in Rome.

Felix Dzerzhinsky

Bolshevik revolutionary and founder of the first soviet secret police organs (1877-1926).

Born September 11th, 1877 in Dzerzhinovo.

Died July 20th, 1926 at 48 years old in Moscow (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Sunjong of the Korean Empire

The 2nd emperor of the korean empire..

Born March 25th, 1874 in Changdeokgung.

Died April 25th, 1926 at 52 years old in Changdeokgung (disease).

Charles Marion Russell

American artist (1864-1926).

Born March 19th, 1864 in St. Louis. [ref]

Died October 24th, 1926 at 62 years old in Great Falls. [ref]

Margherita of Savoy

Italian queen (1851-1926).

Born November 20th, 1851 in Turin.

Died January 4th, 1926 at 74 years old in Bordighera.

Victor, Prince Napoléon

Prince of france (1862-1926).

Born July 18th, 1862 in Paris. [ref]

Died May 3rd, 1926 at 63 years old in City of Brussels. [ref]

Louise of Sweden

Queen consort of denmark; wife of frederick viii of denmark.

Born October 31st, 1851 in Stockholm Palace. [ref]

Died March 20th, 1926 at 74 years old in Amalienborg. [ref]

Émile Coué

French psychologist and pharmacist (1857-1926).

Born February 26th, 1857 in Troyes. [ref]

Died July 2nd, 1926 at 69 years old in Nancy. [ref]

Harry Greb

American boxer.

Born June 6th, 1894 in Pittsburgh.

Died October 22nd, 1926 at 32 years old in Atlantic City (traffic collision).

Deaths 11 to 20 of 190

« 1925
1927 »

To die will be an awfully big adventure. Peter Pan