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7 Notable deaths
 by internal bleeding

Owen Hart

Canadian professional and amateur wrestler.

Born May 7th, 1965 in Calgary.

Died May 23rd, 1999 at 34 years old in Kansas City (internal bleeding).

Jack Kerouac

American writer.

Born March 12th, 1922 in Lowell. [ref]

Died October 21st, 1969 at 47 years old in St. Petersburg (internal bleeding). [ref]

Édith Piaf

French singer (1915-1963).

Born December 19th, 1915 in 20th arrondissement of Paris. [ref]

Died October 11th, 1963 at 47 years old in Grasse (internal bleeding). [ref]

Charles Kennedy

British politician (1959-2015).

Born November 25th, 1959 in Inverness.

Died June 1st, 2015 at 55 years old in Fort William (internal bleeding).

Victoria Spivey

American blues singer and songwriter.

Born October 15th, 1906 in Houston. [ref]

Died October 3rd, 1976 at 69 years old in New York City (internal bleeding). [ref]

Jole Santelli

Italian politician.

Born December 28th, 1968 in Cosenza.

Died October 15th, 2020 at 51 years old in Cosenza (internal bleeding). [ref]

Ryan Cox

South african cyclist.

Born April 9th, 1979 in Johannesburg.

Died August 1st, 2007 at 28 years old in Johannesburg (internal bleeding). [ref]

Deaths 1 to 7 of 7


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I discovered to my joy, that it is life, not death, that has no limits. Gabriel García Márquez